KONSTFACK  Degree Exhibition 2010
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Thursday May 20 - Sunday May 30, 2010
Monday-Friday 12am – 7pm, Saturday-Sunday 12am – 4pm

John Huntington

“The Information Technology Business is Providing Customers with Innovative Services, Industrial Products and Data Applications for People on an Expanding Global Market. Development of Corporate Management Systems for Companies is a Professional Opportunity for Experienced Employees Designing Software Solutions and Mobile Systems for Key Networks. Individual Careers are Supported by Team-based Working Environments”.

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The difference between the language used and the actions performed by different commercial companies are often extensive. Commercial language is constantly updated to give a positive image of the activities of a company while at the same time concealing parts of the activities not meant for the general public. The information technology sector acts under these premises, having a vocabulary of positive words to describe the often complex activities.

Commercial language is used as a tool of power to create a fiction built on real activities, but with a shift of focus away from actual business which is not always easy to perceive. With the growth of more refined information technologies, questions about ownership of data, information and intellectual property becomes increasingly important. The power over information is constantly redistributed to private corporations and when one sees this as problematic, the language shielding this development becomes important to revise.

“The Information Technology Business is Providing Customers with Innovative Services, Industrial Products and Data Applications for People on an Expanding Global Market. Development of Corporate Management Systems for Companies is a Professional Opportunity for Experienced Employees Designing Software Solutions and Mobile Systems for Key Networks. Individual Careers are Supported by Team-based Working Environments”.

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Skillnaden mellan språket som används och handlingarna som utförs av olika kommersiella företag är ofta omfattande. Kommersiellt språk uppdateras ständigt för att ge en positiv bild av ett företags verksamheter medan det samtidigt döljer delar av verksamheten som inte är avsedda för den allmänna publiken. Den informationsteknologiska sektorn agerar under dessa premisser och har en vokabulär med positiva ord för att beskriva de ofta komplexa verksamheterna.

Kommersiellt språk används ofta som ett maktverktyg för att skapa en fiktion byggd på riktiga verksamheter, men med en växlad fokus bort från den faktiska affärsverksamheten vilket inte alltid är lätt att uppfatta. I och med ett framväxande av mer förfinade informationsteknologier så blir frågor om ägandeskap av data, information och intellektuell egendom allt mer viktiga.

Year of birth: 1981
Place of birth: Rävlanda, Sweden
Contact: info@johnhuntington.se
Phone: + 46 (0) 704 741 380
Website: www.johnhuntington.se

Art in the Public Realm