KONSTFACK  Degree Exhibition 2010
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Thursday May 20 - Sunday May 30, 2010
Monday-Friday 12am – 7pm, Saturday-Sunday 12am – 4pm

Cirkusen Some years ago I lived and worked with a circus – a small and traditional one. Most acts they performed were inherited in the same family for generations and for centuries. I have made an attempt to recreate this circus from my memory. While working I find my memory being affected and starting to […]

Lina Persdotter Carlsson


Some years ago I lived and worked with a circus – a small and traditional one. Most acts they performed were inherited in the same family for generations and for centuries.

I have made an attempt to recreate this circus from my memory. While working I find my memory being affected and starting to change. An experience can appear very differently depending on how you tell it.

How was it actually?


För några år sedan bodde och arbetade jag på en circus, en traditionell liten cirkus där många av de nummer som framfördes gått i arv sedan generationer.

Jag har nu försökt återskapa cirkusen ur minnet. Samtidigt har minnet börjat omskapas under arbetets gång. Man kan ju få samma historia att framstå på helt olika sätt, beroende på hur man berättar den.

Hur var det egentligen?

Year of birth: 1981
Place of birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Contact: linapersdotter@gmail.com

Fine Art